Meeting of the Russian statisticians with the President of International Statistical Institute (ISI) Helen MacGillivray (Australia) is to be held at May, 27, 2019
Meeting of the Russian statisticians with the President of International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Helen MacGillivray (Australia)
Helen is only the second female, and second Australian, to be President of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) in its 130 year history. She was an inaugural Australian Senior Learning and Teaching Fellow, first female President and first female Honorary Life Member of the Statistical Society of Australia. She is Editor of Teaching Statistics, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Chair of the newly established UN Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training, and a past President of the International Association for Statistical Education. Her work in teaching and curricula design across multiple disciplines, class sizes and educational levels received recognition and support through national awards and significant grants. She has published textbooks, book chapters, keynote, invited or refereed papers on authentic learning and assessment in statistics, quantitative learning support and statistical research interests in distributional properties. She is joint chair and editor of the Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, and has been a member of the organising or editorial committees for many international and national conferences. Helen has chaired reviews of university departments and centres across Australia and internationally, and has worked as a consultant on teaching statistics in Australia and the UK. Her leadership roles over many years include founding and directing university-wide Maths Access Centres, Symposia in Statistical Thinking, and mentored developmental programs in university teaching and communication of statistics. Helen has played key roles in mathematics and statistics school education on curriculum, resources and assessment moderation. She has given more than 100 professional development workshops for teachers, and a variety of successful extension and enrichment programs for thousands of high school students. CV
Meeting is to be held at May, 27, 2019 at 10.00 – 13.00 in the Central House of Scientists (CHS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Prechistenka, 16/2)
The organizers of the event are Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow City Government, Analytical Centre by Moscow City Government, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Russian Association of Statisticians with the support of Federal Service of State Statistics.
This is the first visit of serving ISI President to Russia since the World Statistical Congress in St. Petersburg (1897).
Prof. MacGillivray will make presentation International Statistical Institute: Mission and Role in Global Development of Statistics and Best Practice across the Statistical Spectrum and after that all participants could ask questions and make comments.