Russian Association of Statisticians joins the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Russian Association of Statisticians (RASt) joined the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) – a network of governments, international and non-governmental organisations, private sector who joined forces to ensure that quality data is available to all stakeholders for sustainable economic and social development.
GPSDD was established as an informal international contact point network following the adoption by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 of a new set of the Sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030. GPSDD is expected to facilitate the development of new principles for data collection and dissemination, in addition to those already existing, to address the data gaps for informed decision-making, enhance the access to and timeliness of data, support the exchange of experience and technical assistance for the evaluation of progress towards sustainable development.
Day-to-day work of GPSDD is organised in six working groups on specific areas. RASt representatives are involved in the working group for supporting and advancing national/sub-national data roadmaps and action plans and the working group for organising thematic and regional data fora towards a world data forum.
It is expected that GPSDD will have a permanent secretariat hosted by the UN Foundation by March 2016, and will present a report with the first deliverables by the next UN General Assembly in September 2016.