Head of International Cooperation Unit of the Russian Association of Statisticians’ Central Administration Kirill Muradov talks on the Association’s involvement in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Kirill, what is the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and why the Russian Association of Statisticians (RASt) has joined this Partnership?

Various recent initiatives proposed by international organisations are not suitable for mandatory implementation. A typical example is the new Sustainable Development Goals, endorsed by the UN General Assembly in September 2015. This is not an international treaty, and no one can force all UN member states to achieve these goals by 2030 or penalise them for non-compliance. It is rather a declaration of intent to be implemented through a flexible mechanism that would allow utilising the resources of both public organisations, private sector and expert community. These are the cases where the so-called global partnerships are established. There is quite a number of such partnerships now under the UN auspices of the UN, one of which is the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data. In fact, this is a discussion forum to provide guidance and – in the future – technical assistance to all stakeholders in the collection and use of statistics in the course of the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

We joined the Partnership first of all because this is a good opportunity to participate in the development of new principles for data collection, processing and dissemination. May I stress the opportunity to be a participant rather than just an observer. Indeed, we witness a process that many have described as the "data revolution". Data collection and analysis are no longer the prerogative of the official statistical bodies. The range of possible applications of these data is expanding but also becoming more complex. RASt attaches great importance to educational work, and we would like that the Russian statisticians and everyone interested receive the "first-hand" information about the ongoing, truly global processes.

Who can become, and who already is a member of the Partnership?

National government agencies, non-governmental and research organisations, private companies and international organizations can become members of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data. The current membership includes, for example, the Governments of Italy, Mexico, the Philippines and other countries, Transparency International, the Brookings Institution, PARIS 21, IBM, MasterCard, International Statistical Institute, the IMF, World Bank, etc. However, among Russian organisations, RASt is the first and so far the only one that has joined the Partnership and has announced its voluntary commitments.

What are the commitments that RASt has announced?

Each member of the Partnership openly declares what will be its contribution to the activities of this network and what will be the deliverables. RASt expressed its willingness to support the development and adoption of "roadmaps" on harnessing the "data revolution" in order to ensure the sustainable development in Russia, the CIS and EAEU. This of course involves pro-active outreach activities. "Data revolution" is still a new concept for the Russian professional community, even though we already know what are "open data", "big data" and the very idea of "sustainable development". The main problem from our perspective is beyond just interpreting the phenomenon of "Data revolution": we have to understand how to maximise the accruing benefit, and how to keep up with the global trend.

Do you think that the issue of sustainable development and, in particular, sustainable development data is really relevant for today's Russia?

Very good question! May I remind you that, in general, the rationale behind sustainable development is to maximize the benefits of economic growth while minimising its social and environmental costs. A more accurate translation of the familiar term “sustainable development” into Russian is perhaps "self-sustaining development". On the one hand, this is certainly not one of the most pressing issues of social and economic development in Russia. On the other hand, I think that we have been already addressing some serious challenges without realising that we treat them from the sustainable development perspective. An example is the transportation problem in Moscow. Obviously, the increased income and wealth of Muscovites led to a significant increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. The result is congestion, air pollution, uncontrolled parking. Economic growth has therefore caused adverse social and environmental effects. The introduction of parking fees is one of the first systemic measures to minimise these effects. But the question is: is there adequate data to take sound, informed decisions about the set-up of the paid parking? These are the questions we are planning to address, including through discussions with our colleagues abroad.

Finally, let me remind you that Russia, as a member of the United Nations supported the new set of the Sustainable Development Goals. So our work within the Partnership can be considered as a follow-up activity to our country’s declared position.

What do you actually do as a member of the Partnership?

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data operates through six working groups. RASt enrolled in two groups: (1) working group on supporting and advancing national/sub-national data roadmaps/action plans, and (2) working group on organizing thematic and regional data fora towards a world data forum. Take note that the Partnership has just recently been established, and it’s too early to discuss any outcome of its work. Work has so far been organised by correspondence to outline work plans and assign responsibilities. This is a living process: there are no strict regulations and there is a great scope for initiative. In the future, the members also plan to hold “physical meetings”. Hopefully, we will be able to host some events of the Partnership in Russia.

Last question: is it possible to get more information on the activities of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and submit relevant proposals to RASt?

Yes, of course. First, I suggest visiting the website of the Partnership at http://www.data4sdgs.org, later contacting us at the International Cooperation Unit at int.ras@yandex.ru. Creative initiatives and proposals are welcome!

Thank you for the comments. Please enjoy a productive participation in this new international network. 

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